Phillip André
Nicht nur für seine Clowns war Phillip André berühmt. Auf der folgenden Seite finden Sie einen Auszug aus seinen Kunstwerken, seinem Leben. Nehmen Sie sich einen Augenblick Zeit und versinken Sie in den Tiefen seiner Kunst.

Phillip André
Phillip André
“ This is a Photo of me together with my Loving Wife Marianne.
My Eyes opened for the first time on April the Third, In the year of 1952. I was born in the Town of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire-England. after leaving Windsor Boy´s Boarding school at the early age of 15, I decided to join Her Majesty´s Army.
My time as a Soldier went over quite Quickly.. being Court Marshalled; I was definitly here in the wrong Place…!!
Getting back to School, On the Aylesbury College for further Education; I was able to reach the Advanced Levels in both Art & English Literature; This was the Start of my Painting Career… Just reaching the age of Eighteen.
After just Two years passing I believed everything was closing in on me, I had to get away, -Now leaving home to go to Australia, but I didn´t get further than Germany…. And since that Time I´ve been Living here.
I´ve settled down now,being almost Fifty years old and Living with my Treasurable Wife & Three children,The Youngest being my son David. The Oldest and second child coming out of Marianne´s First Marriage. We work all quite hard for our Family Life.. being reallyimportant to all of us. A circumstance that has given me a lot of strength over the passing Years.
It´s Quite a matter of fact when Somebody asks me..“ Can you live being an Artist“ My answer is always the same: “ It´s not Easy… “ but we are as we are. We have just got to get used to it!“
thinking outside
the box war sein Motto
Nicht nur für seine Clowns war Phillip André berühmt. Sehen Sie hier seine Darstellungen verschiedenster Themen. Ob persönlich oder Weltgeschehen.